Scientia Canadensis

Scientia Canadensis is an open-access peer-reviewed journal, and the only journal dedicated to the Canadian history of science and technology. Scientia Canadensis, and its entire corpus, is available through Érudit.

Scientia Canadensis (including the HSTC Bulletin).

Starting with volume 45, no. 1, Scientia Canadensis is also available here at the University of Alberta Library.

The journal is supported through the University of Alberta Library publishing program, an open-access platform that enables journal production through the Public Knowledge Project’s Open Journal Systems.

Information for Contributors

Please visit our Submissions page, which includes guidelines for authors and our Scientia Canadensis Style Guide.

The Scientia Canadensis submission guide is also available here: EN – Scientia Canadensis – Guidelines for Authors

Book review guidelines are available here: Book Review Instructions


HSTC Bulletin, Vol 1, No 1Richard Jarrell launched the typewritten—and Gestetner-reproduced—History of Science and Technology in Canada (HSTC) Bulletin in December 1976. A call for collaboration and organization, the Bulletin was the foundation for the founding of CSTHA in 1980 and the launch of Scientia Canadensis in 1984.

Since that time, Scientia Canadensis has published more than 50 numbers, containing contributions in English and French from leading and emerging scholars in the Canadian history of science and technology. The journal has published special issues on such topics as energy and society, consumer technologies, circumpolar science, and natural history.

In addition to peer-reviewed scholarship, Scientia Canadensis also publishes research notes, book reviews, bibliographies, and other contributions in English and French.

Recent Issues